Prices and Booking

Ready to book your Oaxaca food tour? The prices below include all food and drinks included in the tour, which lasts about four hours. Let us know of any dietary restrictions, and bring a good appetite!

Oaxaca City Street Food and Market Tour Prices:
1 person: $90 US
2 people: $45 US per person
3-4 people: $40 US per person
5 or more people: $30 US per person

Children 12 and under with adults: $25 US per child

Rates are in US dollars. We request a non-refundable advance deposit to hold the date for you. The deposit may be paid by PayPal and the remainder in cash on the day of the tour, or if you prefer, you may pay the full amount by PayPal in advance.

Ready to book?

Click on the date below and fill in your info, including the number of people. We’ll get back to you shortly to confirm. Please note that bookings made less than 48 hours in advance are difficult to fulfill unless another tour is already scheduled. In that case you may be able to join an already scheduled tour.